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SEND Review


What is a SEND Review?

A SEND review evaluates the current provision in place for children with Special Educational Needs and Disability within your school.

What is the purpose of a SEND Review?

The purpose of these audits is to ensure that the provision for pupils with SEND is good and that their progress is good or better.

They help schools to provide evidence that the school is compliant with the statutory duties in the Children and Families Act/Code of Practice 2014.

They support the school’s self- evaluation in identifying areas of strength and areas for further development.

What does a SEND Review comprise of?

The review comprises of a 2 day joint visit with a National Leader in Education and a Specialist Leader in Education.

Interviews with pupils, parents, staff and Governors and the observation of Learning and Teaching of SEND pupils are central to the process.

The summary provides an overview of systems, policies and practice and outlines the interventions and resources available to SEND pupils within the school.